
With WattStoppers ELCU-200 you can use one single-pole toggle switch to simultaneously control light fixtures fed from a normal power source and light fixtures fed from an emergency power source. Yet, when a utility power failure occurs, the light fixtures being fed from the emergency power source, will be on and the toggle switch will not have any effect on them.

ELCU Specs
ELCU Specs

The ELCU-200 mounts in the KO of a four square box. Both normal power hot and neutral and emergency power hot and neutral need to connect to the ELCU-200. You will also connect the normal power switch leg off of the toggle switch to the ELCU-200. Lastly, connect the emergency power light fixture to the ELCU-200.

ELCU Leads
ELCU Leads

This is an easy way to control emergency lights in an area or room with the normal lights and yet have emergency egress lighting in the event of an emergency.

ELCU Wiring Diagram
ELCU-200 Wiring Diagram

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